Our Components

The Gateway is the hardware/software that keeps the field assets safe, interprets the protocols, coordinates and guarantees data collection even in the temporary absence of connectivity

Designed for IoT applications, it combines small dimensions and reduced costs with great flexibility of installation and connectivity.

The Smart Box is equipped with an Operating System that guarantees opening and safety.

Available as a turnkey solution for IoT architectures based on Cloud AGSuite.

AGSuite Platform

The Platform that sets up and digitizes the operating environments in which industrial assets reside, transforming data into information

AGSuite Platform is the infrastructure platform that allows you to create your IoT system through configuration rules.

Management Console allows the administration of the physical infrastructure, data and users and the distribution of usage rights.

Native security mechanics allow the development of vertical solutions without affecting the security of the system.


VISION is the Apps Store for Users to interact with and make decisions, while for Developers it is the powerful tool where to give shape to their inspirations and allow them to be improved

The Virtual System Interaction  is the graphic framework integrated in AGSuite Platform which includes the collection of graphic and vertical interfaces created by our partners. 

Each developer can release solutions that will be made available within the platform.

The tool that allows you to enhance your solutions, increase their adoption and economic returns.